15 July 2020
Openjewereld.nu trekt 2.778 nieuwe pleeggezinnen.
Marketing, maar dan met purpose, dat is altijd het uitgangspunt bij DEARDAN & Friends. Dat ze daar ook behoorlijk goed in zijn, demonstreerden ze met hun campagne ‘Open je wereld’ voor Pleegzorg Nederland. Een sterke aftrap, goede targeting en een diverse beeldvorming bereikten hun doel: na de eerste week had Pleegzorg Nederland er al 1.392 […]
2 January 2020
Why marketing with purpose isn’t for softies.
Make it simple but significant’: that’s the motto of Rotterdam-based strategic and creative branding agency DEARDAN&Friends. Founder Danny John Debisarun, aka DEARDAN, started the agency almost six years ago in search of work that would give him a sense of purpose. Today, it creates campaigns for national and international companies who aim for more than […]
29 June 2017
We are superfluid.
It’s only a matter of time and we all will be superfluid. We are already living in a superfluid society where everything flows. We are overwhelmed by choice, data, social platforms and ambition. How do we navigate in a world where change is the law of life? A series of misfortunate events might have set […]
2 February 2017
Big data. Big mistake?
Our obsession with data is bigger than ever. It has led to amazing discoveries crucial in the field of scientific research. Without big data we would have never discovered the Higgs particle (a.k.a the elusive God particle). Minority report Big data has seeped deep into every particle of society. Our behaviour as individuals and groups is […]
21 September 2016
How women shape the world.
Ecco Shape is the name of the latest campaign by Ecco shoes. Of course you remember…those overly sensible shoes. Great for your feet but as sexy as wearing a pair of knitted socks in sandals on a hot day in July. Curious to see what Ecco came up with? Click here to watch the commercial. You […]
22 February 2016
The power of honest branding: why it pays to be truthful.
Most brands know how to tell a story around what they do and why they do it. If you already have an immaculate brand without any hidden flaws. Kudos to you! You are ready to take your brand communication to the next level and maybe let your fans, customers, prospects and clients take a peek […]
22 October 2015
Bye bye corporate grey.
It may be October and winter is well on its way but now is definitely not the time to let your brand turn grey. As a brandmanager you want your brand to be hot, relevant and contemporary. To achieve this and stay on top of the game you must learn how to keep reinventing your brand. Like […]
15 July 2015
What’s your favorite opening?
A captivating title sequence is an integral part of how the audience experiences a story. It’s an introduction to the world, the characters, and the themes of the show. It has to look great, set the tone, and be eminently re-watchable. We like to think of it as the branding of the show and it […]
11 June 2015
Is that a Magnum in your pants? Or are you just happy to see me?
With their new campaign ‘Be True To Your Pleasure’ Magnum celebrates gender diversity and is creating a social platform for gender-non conforming individuals. Magnum believes that everyone should indulge in their personal pleasure. It doesn’t matter who you are, or what you take pleasure in. As long as you’re holding a Magnum in your hand […]
11 May 2015
Foodporn on Netflix leaves us hungry for more.
Netflix has officially entered the food porn game with a glossy new six-part documentary series “Chef’s Table”. David Gelb, director of the critically-acclaimed “Jiro Dreams of Sushi” takes us on a journey inside the mind of the chef. Each episode focuses on a different world-renowned chef, from a rogue chef cooking on remote island in […]